树莓派安装热点分享程序create_ap 将代码clone到本地 sudo git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap cd create_ap sudo make install 安装依赖的库 sudo apt-get install util-linux procps hostapd iproute2 iw haveged dnsmasq 打开热点(此时,树莓派wifi开着,但没有连wifi) sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 热点名 密码 此时不出意外热点将会开启,但是会有warn,可以执行以下代码 sudo create_ap --no-virt wlan0 eth0 m热点名 热点 以服务方式启动,执行开机自启 复制代码 #1.修改服务配置,添加--no-virt参数 sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/create_ap.service # 将 ExecStart=/usr/bin/create_ap --config /etc/create_ap.conf # 修改为 ExecStart=/usr/bin/create_ap --no-virt --config /etc/create_ap.conf #2.默认配置文件/etc/create_ap.conf,将下面两横改为自己的ssid和密码即可,修改自己的dhcp网关 sudo vi /etc/create_ap.conf # 将 GATEWAY= SSID=MyAccessPoint PASSPHRASE=12345678 # 修改为 GATEWAY= SID=dzxj PASSPHRASE=11111111 # 启动一个服务: systemctl start create_ap.service # 关闭一个服务: systemctl stop create_ap.service # 重启一个服务: systemctl restart create_ap.service # 显示一个服务的状态: systemctl status create_ap.service # 在开机时启用一个服务: systemctl enable create_ap.service # 在开机时禁用一个服务: systemctl disable create_ap.service # 查看服务是否开机启动: systemctl is-enabled create_ap.service 复制代码 异常一:WARN: brmfmac driver doesn't work properly with virtual interfaces and it can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter.For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203 ERROR: Your adapter can not be a station (i.e. be connected) and an AP at the same time 处理:sudo nmcli dev dis wlan0 异常二: sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 88166908 WARN: brmfmac driver doesn't work properly with virtual interfaces and it can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter. For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203 WARN: Your adapter does not fully support AP virtual interface, enabling --no-virt Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.cDxIozig PID: 1132 Network Manager found, set wlan0 as unmanaged device... DONE/bin/create_ap: line 1669: dnsmasq: command not found ERROR: Wrong version format! 处理: sudo yum install dnsmasq -y 异常三: sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 12345678 WARN: brmfmac driver doesn't work properly with virtual interfaces andit can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter. For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203 WARN: Your adapter does not fully support AP virtual interface, enabling --no-virt Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ PID: 2497 Sharing Internet using method: nat hostapd command-line interface: hostapd_cli -p /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ/hostapd_ctrl Configuration file: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ/hostapd.conf 处理: sudo create_ap --no-virt wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 12345678 Failed to create interface mon.wlan0: -95 (Operation not supported) create_ap --daemon wlan0 eth0 unknown-5g ldy-user --ieee80211n --ht_capab [HT40+][SHORT-GI-40][DSSS_CCK-40][MAX-AMSDU-3839] --ieee80211ac --vht_capab [VHT80][MAX-MPDU-3895][SHORT-GI-80][SU-BEAMFORMEE] --freq-band 5 --no-virt --country US